Written by: Titus Malika | health & fitness specialist at IDS Fitness Center| AdvantageHealth Corporation
June is Professional Wellness Month, which was created to highlight the importance of well-being in the workplace.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way companies do business throughout the world. Many companies have implemented remote work from home policies. It’s important to be healthy at home during COVID-19.
In honor of Professional Wellness Month, we have tips for you, from the Center for Workplace Mental Health, to maintain a healthy work-life balance and a healthy lifestyle while working from home.
Keep a schedule: Routines are important to maintain, especially while we are working from home. Start your day the way you normally do with brushing your teeth or making the bed. Try having a designated area to work or learn from home and avoid distractions. Make sure you set times for work, but also time for a lunch break or a stretch break.
Network: During this time, it is also important to stay in touch with co-workers, family, and friends using technology like FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout and other video-based options. Whether it is for work or for a virtual happy hour, there are several ways to stay connected.
Immune System: There are many things that you can do to fight off bacteria and boost your immune system from home. Washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds, getting enough sleep, eating well, drinking enough water, and also taking vitamins.
Exercise: Exercise is a great for both our mental and physical health. Sitting for hours at a time while working at home can be harmful. Take breaks to walk around the house or opt to stand while you work. Jumping jacks, planks and other bodyweight exercises are easy to do periodically throughout the day. Whatever works best for you to reduce or alleviate stress and increase endorphins. Even though the gyms and fitness centers are closed during this time, many are offering free livestreams or app-based workouts for members and the general public, so check online to see what's available.
Go Outside: Take some time during the workday to go outside and get some fresh air. Whether you are just getting the mail or going to walk around the neighborhood, try to avoid crowds and try to maintain 6-foot distance with others.
Limit media consumption: Although it is important to stay informed, try to avoid checking the news, media, and social media too much. This could cause more stress and anxiety. Stay informed by following a few, but also take breaks from technology.
Boundaries: When working from home it can be hard to manage the number of hours you spend working. Set a time where you can stop working for the day and have time for yourself and your family.
Self-Care: Find time to do activities that you enjoy. It’s important to distract yourself and get away from the stresses of life and do something you are passionate about. This might include biking, or yoga. Now is a great time to start new hobbies like knitting, cooking new recipes, writing, reading, or even art.
Since 2001, Minnesota-based AdvantageHealth has been delivering award-winning employee wellbeing programs and fitness center design & management throughout the U.S.