Health Risk Assessments
Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
AdvantageHealth utilizes the Wellcomplete™ for our robust health risk assessment. Online and paper formats are available for your population. In less than 10 minutes, the HRA will allow employees to understand their health risks. Group reports and next steps are available for the employer.
The first step in population health management strategies.
Helps to identify risk factors for preventable chronic conditions specific to your populations – and their readiness to change.
Identify and predict risk factors for preventable chronic conditions.
Pinpoint and prioritize the most effective programs and interventions.
Lower health care costs for your organization.
Identifies individual and group health risks.
Measures change from year to year.
Takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Options: online or paper version (available in multiple langu.ages).
Online can be taken on a computer, tablet, or smartphone
Participants receive instant Personalized Report for online, 1-2 weeks for paper.
Group reports, plus consultation to determine “next steps” for the employer.
Can be integrated into your wellness platform or portal—or implemented as a stand‑alone solution.
Uses branching logic, a form of artificial intelligence that adapts questions based on the user’s response.
Can be customized with the logo and colors of your organization.
We can add custom questions for individual groups and place them anywhere in the assessment that you would like.
OUR HRA: Wellcomplete
Wellcomplete™: Wellcomplete for the Workforce is an essential tool for helping employers, health organizations, and population health managers reduce costly and unnecessary hospitalizations and healthcare services. Our evidence based HRA is one of the best tools for helping individuals understand their health risks and see the connection between their lifestyle choices and their ability to achieve optimal health.​
Actionable Individual Report includes the following areas:
• Self-Perceived Health Status
• Nutrition
• Biometrics
• Physical Activity
• Social & Mental Health
• Readiness to Change
Individual reports include:
Personal Report: Participants are shown an Overall Wellness Score and ratings for 7 different health categories. They can see areas where they are doing well and where they can improve. The report helps them make the connection between their lifestyle habits and their risks for preventable diseases. It also provides useful feedback and tips for improving health. Trending data lets the participant see how they are improving from one Health Risk Assessment to the next.
Physician Summary: Participants can also print this report and take it with them to their next medical appointment. It displays a more detailed view of the participant’s answers to the HRA, and includes their stage of readiness to change. This allows the healthcare team to home in on key risk factors that the individual is ready to address.
Group reports include:
Wellcomplete has many options for reporting, but one of the most popular is the Admin Report, a compact population-wide health profile that includes:
Top health conditions and the percentage of the population with each condition
Exam and vaccine compliance
Completion rates
Participation rates
The health conditions and behaviors the population is most ready to change—including blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, weight, exercise, glucose, tobacco, alcohol, and nutrition.
Common biometric tests and the percentage of their population doing well or needing to take action.
Lifestyle or biometric factors for each key area.
Percentage breakdowns of the population’s status for lifestyle or biometric factors related to the key area based on Doing Well, Caution, and Take Action metrics.
Upon completion of the group reports, AdvantageHealth will go through the data with the client in order to develop a strategy going forward. This includes identifying the highest risks of the group and programming to target these risks. ​​In addition, the group reports will show trending data and can be used as a way to measure effectiveness of the wellness program.
AdvantageHealth (your administrator) can also access aggregate reports to easily see statistics and trending data on your population.
Choose to include all eligible groups into one report, generate a report for one specific sub-group, or anywhere between.
Reports can be pulled by date range.
Provide overviews of your population overall, by key area, and by primary influencers within each key area.
Display demographics for your population, the percentage of compliance for specific exams and vaccines, the top health conditions, and areas where your participants are most ready to change.
Certified, Secure, and Compliant
Wellsource has been NCQA certified for Health Appraisals and Self‑Management Tools continuously
since 2008. Our HRA is also compliant with the latest privacy requirements of the Health Insurance
Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA), including the HITECH amendments, and the Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act (GINA).