Written by: Kristine Keykal, M.P.H. | Co-Founder & CEO of AdvantageHealth Corporation

Businesses that remain operational during the COVID-19 pandemic are faced with the challenge of determining what they can do to minimize the risk of spreading the virus while still being able to provide critical products and services to our communities. Many of these essential employers have started screening employees’ temperatures in an effort to ensure that employees with symptoms of the illness do not infect their coworkers.
How We Can Help:
AdvantageHealth can implement the best practices for employee temperature screenings during the COVID-19 pandemic at your workplace.
Our professional staff will take temperature readings utilizing non-contact, infrared thermometers. We will also discuss testing logistics, employee consent, confidentiality and protocols specific for your organization.
AdvantageHealth is also offering many virtual employee well-being programs to keep your workforce healthy and strong while working remotely during this unprecedented time of COVID-19 including:
Learn More or Get Started:
Email Kristine Keykal at kkeykal@advantagehealth.com to get started or call 612.823.4470 (select option “1”).
Since 2001, Minnesota-based AdvantageHealth has been delivering award-winning employee wellbeing programs and fitness center design & management throughout the U.S.