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HRAs & Biometric Screenings - We're Making It Easy For You!

Written by: Kristine Keykal, M.P.H. | Co-Founder & CEO of AdvantageHealth

Health Risk Assessments: How We Will Make Yours Successful

Health Risk Assessment. Wellness Profile. Personal Health Assessment.

Whatever name you give it, this critical step serves as the foundation for your corporate wellness program.

For a complete picture of your employee population, these three assessments are recommended: 1) needs & interest survey, 2) Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and 3) biometric screening. These steps serve as the starting point and can provide your organization with a snapshot of your employees' health, their needs and wants and allow you to measure change from year to year. 

What you can expect from AdvantageHealth's HRA:

Personal Wellness Profile™AdvantageHealth utilizes the Personal Wellness Profile™ (PWP) for our health risk assessment. The purpose of the PWP is to provide the information and motivation necessary for individuals and organizations to assess lifestyle habits and other health-related issues. This tool includes approximately 60 questions, plus the option to add up to 15 customized questions. After completing the questionnaire, participants receive a personalized report detailing their health habits and suggestions for improvement. In addition, group reports are provided for organizations in order to assess high risk areas and measure return-on-investment.

The PWP is available in both online and paper formats (English, Spanish and French-Canadian).


Individual reports include:

  • Individual Overview

  • Trend Report

Group reports include:

  • Executive Summary Report

  • Productivity & Economic Benefits Report

  • Group Progress Report

  • Participation Report

AdvantageHealth can provide wellness program consulting, as well as assist with employee wellness program implementation and evaluation to create a comprehensive wellness program for your budget. 

What is an HRA? 

This online or paper-based tool is typically about 50-60 questions and is designed to assess all areas of well-being. It will identify health risks and suggest what preventive actions participants can take to achieve and maintain optimum health

The health assessment is typically implemented by your health plan or a third party vendor, such as AdvantageHealth, in order to preserve employee privacy.

Why should we do an HRA at our Organization?

In addition to individuals receiving a personalized report on their health, the organization will receive de-identified aggregated reports in order to assist with wellness program planning and evaluation. To help make this implementation a success, employers should incent completion and clearly explain that the results are confidential and how they will be used. 

The higher the participation in the health assessment, the greater picture that you will receive about your groups health risks.

How often should a HRA be done?

Collecting data should be done every year ideally, or at a minimum, every other year. This data will serve as a current snapshot of your organization's health status as well as allow you to determine when changes in health occur over time.


We've Made Biometric Screenings Easy for Your Organization!

AdvantageHealth has made biometric screenings easy to coordinate and implement for your organization no matter if employees are working onsite or at home. Our most popular biometric screening package, "Know Your Numbers," includes 8 weeks of comprehensive programming for your employees. Choose between the onsite workplace wellness program or virtual/remote wellness program (ideal during the COVID pandemic). Purchase this package by October 15th and receive 15% OFF (new clients only). You can implement the package anytime within the next 12 months. "KNOW YOUR NUMBERS": ONSITE/WORKPLACE OPTION Week 1 & 2: Biometric Screening | Delivered Onsite

  • Option 1: Big Three Screening Package - Total Cholesterol/HDL/Ratio, Glucose, Blood Pressure & BMI

  • Option 2: Big Three Screening Package - All screenings in Option 1, plus LDL & Triglycerides

  • View more screening options, AdvantageHealth/Client responsibilities

Week 3: "Know Your Numbers" Seminar| Delivered Onsite Participants learn how to interpret screening results, set new goals, and how to take simple yet invaluable steps to improve them. Weeks 4 - 8: One-on-one Lifestyle Coaching | Telephonic AdvantageHealth health coaches work one-on-one with participants, empowering them to make long-term, healthy changes. The program includes three coaching sessions that build confidence and skills participants can use long past the end of the program. Each session consists of the following topic areas: readiness to change, short-term and long-term goals, motivation, triggers, coping skills and relapse prevention.  Participants focus on areas including: 

  • Physical Activity

  • Nutrition

  • Weight Management

  • Stress Management

"KNOW YOUR NUMBERS": VIRTUAL/REMOTE OPTION Week 1 & 2: Biometric Screening | Screening kits mailed to home

  • Option 1: Total Cholesterol/HDL/Ratio & Glucose

  • Option 2: All screenings in Option 1, plus LDL & Triglycerides

Week 3: "Know Your Numbers" Seminar | Online (pre-recorded) Participants learn how to interpret screening results, set new goals, and how to take simple yet invaluable steps to improve them. Weeks 4 - 8: One-on-one Lifestyle Coaching | Telephonic AdvantageHealth health coaches work one-on-one with participants, empowering them to make long-term, healthy changes. The program includes three coaching sessions that build confidence and skills participants can use long past the end of the program. Each session consists of the following topic areas: readiness to change, short-term and long-term goals, motivation, triggers, coping skills and relapse prevention.  Participants focus on areas including: 

  • Physical Activity

  • Nutrition

  • Weight Management

  • Stress Management


Plan Your Fall 2020 Virtual Employee Wellness Programming

AdvantageHealth is also offering many virtual employee wellbeing programs to keep your workforce healthy and strong while working remotely during this unprecedented time of COVID-19. Let us help you put together an integrated virtual wellness program for your staff. Programming options include:


Learn More or Get Started:

Email Kristine Keykal at to get started or call 612.823.4470 (select option “1”).

Since 2001, Minnesota-based AdvantageHealth has been delivering award-winning employee wellbeing programs and fitness center design & management throughout the U.S.

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