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Another Light at the End of the Tunnel: Returning to the Gym

Written by: Jackie Montpetit, Program Manager at AdvantageHealth at City Center | AdvantageHealth

Another Light at the End of the Tunnel: Returning to the Gym

With access to vaccines expanding every week, many people are considering returning to some of their pre-pandemic routines. Hopefully, you’ve found ways to stay active over this strange year by Zooming into workouts from your living room or enjoying more time outdoors, but it may be time to consider getting back to the gym!

Are you wondering how this will be different from previous experiences? Here are a few things to consider before deciding to dust off the old gym shoes:

  • Safety of yourself and others in your household

  • Safety of others at the gym

  • Policies and precautions in place at the gym

Your first trip to the gym will likely be quite different if you haven’t visited in last year. New policies at most facilities include: masks, social distancing, and extra cleaning.

Here are a few extra things to pack in your bag:

  • Face coverings – one might get sweaty during your workout so be sure to bring a spare!

  • Yoga mat – it is more sanitary to bring your own if possible

  • Towel – many facilities are not offering their regular towel services

Returning to the places that we enjoyed before the pandemic is very exciting! To continue expanding these opportunities, we must exercise with caution (pun intended!). Be sure to respect all policies in place and say hello to your fitness center staff—they’ve missed you!


Since 2001, Minnesota-based AdvantageHealth has been delivering award-winning employee wellbeing programs and fitness center design & management throughout the U.S.

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